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Silent Toms by Grant Woods

Hearing gobbling is a big reason why I enjoy turkey hunting! However, some mornings it seems most toms are silent. There are usually two reasons toms are quiet. Toms don’t gobble as much when it’s cloudy and higher than normal humidity.

There’s nothing a hunter can do to change these conditions. Gobblers are also usually quiet during the peak of breeding season. This is similar to the lockdown phase of the whitetail rut. Bucks simply aren’t moving as much as they will spend 24+ hours with a receptive doe in a relatively small area before seeking another receptive doe.

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Toms gobble during the peak of mating season to attract hens. Gobbles also attract other toms. If a tom has multiple hens he doesn’t want to attract more gobblers to the party and will often remain quiet, at least until the hens have dispersed.

During the peak of mating season hens will often breed by mid morning and then go to their nest to lay an egg or go feed. Toms that have been quiet all morning will often start gobbling in an effort to attract more hens at this time.

If you are frequently seeing singular hens feeding during mid morning that’s a great sign that toms will be receptive to calls then and in the afternoon!

Chasing toms together,


Dr. Grant Woods
Dr. Grant Woods
Raised in the Ozark Mountains of Missouri, Dr. Grant Woods has consulted on wildlife research and management from Canada to New Zealand. A hunter since childhood, he not only knows how to grow big deer, but how to effectively hunt them as well. His work serves to improve deer herd quality and educate hunters about advanced management techniques.