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Winchester Deadly Passion – Season IV by Melissa Bachman

As a young girl dreaming of a way to hunt for a living, I could have never imagined the things that were in store for me. All I ever wanted to do was hunt for a living, but I never realized how much more it would become.

It’s not just a hobby or something I simply enjoy doing. It’s truly become a lifestyle and something I’ve become extremely passionate about. Not just in the area of hunting, but more so in the area of getting others involved and spreading the love for the outdoors. With a brand new season beginning on Sportsman Channel on Sundays at 11:30am ET, Winchester Deadly Passion is in its 4th season and the focus has switched gears.

Melissa Bachman
Melissa Bachman
With a degree in broadcast journalism, Melissa set sights on a career in the outdoors. Traveling over 300 days a year to shoot for Winchester Deadly Passion, Bachman considers this her “dream job.” With a love for children, industry trade shows and the great outdoors, she films around the world for her adrenaline-pumped series.