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Colorado Turkey

Winchester Legends / Season 7 Episode 7

On this episode of Winchester Legends, hosts Melissa Bachman and Allen Treadwell journey to southern Colorado, where the Rocky Mountain foothills meet the eastern plains to hunt the multitude of turkeys that dot this landscape.  Not well known as a turkey hunter’s destination, southern Colorado has an immense population of Merriam’s turkey, where it’s common to see fifty to a hundred a day, with many toms in groups of five to ten.  Due to a lack of hunting pressure, these birds are extremely susceptible to calls.  It’s these advantages that are sure to add up to a productive and exciting hunting experience for Bachman and Treadwell.

On this episode of Winchester Legends, hosts Melissa Bachman and Allen Treadwell journey to southern Colorado, where the Rocky Mountain foothills meet the eastern plains to hunt the multitude of turkeys that dot this landscape.  Not well known as a turkey hunter’s destination, southern Colorado has an immense population of Merriam’s turkey, where it’s common to see fifty to a hundred a day, with many toms in groups of five to ten.  Due to a lack of hunting pressure, these birds are extremely susceptible to calls.  It’s these advantages that are sure to add up to a productive and exciting hunting experience for Bachman and Treadwell.

Hunt Information

Allen Treadwell, Melissa Bachman
Hunting Topics