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Melissa Bachman Dials in on Massive Midwest Turkeys

Winchester Life / Season 2 Episode 5

Melissa Bachman showcases the long-distance power and accuracy of Winchester Long Beard XR when she dials in on turkeys in Nebraska and Illinois.

Melissa Bachman showcases the long-distance power and accuracy of Winchester Long Beard XR when she dials in on turkeys in Nebraska and Illinois.

Firearm Facts

The stock, grip and forearm dimensions of the Winchester Super X3 are slimmer for a lighter, more controlled feel.

Winchester Pattern Board App

It is a free and efficient way to easily determine your Winchester turkey load pattern. Visit patternboard.winchester.com to get dialed in.

Wild Turkey Facts

  • A wild turkey goes through five molting seasons over the course of its life. Unlike the rest of the turkey’s body feathers, a tom’s beard does not molt.
  • A defining characteristic of the Eastern wild turkeys is the dark brown tips of the tail feathers.
  • Rio Grand wild turkeys have buff or tan tips.

Hunt Information

Nebraska and Illinois
Wild Turkey
Spring 2017
Melissa Bachman
Hunting Topics
Shooting Topics