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Shoulder to Shoulder - South Dakota Part Three

The Keefer Brothers and longtime friend Jason Brown continue their stalk of the white-tipped Merriam’s wild turkeys. The April sun lights the prairies aglow in South Dakota, and the boys are ready. Locked and loaded with Winchester, the crew waits for the right time and the right place for feathers to fall.

Hunting is a beloved past time rooted in America’s history. Life-changing lessons and cherished memories made with Mother Nature are stamped in the minds of outdoorsmen since childhood.

Shoulder to Shoulder - South Dakota Part Three

But traditions can only continue if they are passed down to the next generation. Which is why it is important to keep the passion for the outdoors alive by inspiring others to fall in love with the outdoors.

Though there are multiple ways to hunt and choices of game to pursue, wild turkey hunting is a great way to introduce youth to the world of hunting.Turkey hunting offers several advantages for new and young hunters.

Hunting requires patience, which can be challenging for young hunters who have shorter attention spans. A perk for going after gobblers is how vocal the birds are, so youth hunters can enter a dialogue of sorts with the turkeys. A hunter calls, a turkey responds, and the excitement builds from there. The sound of a throaty gobble or yelp is encouraging, and satisfying. Turkey calls also allow a young hunter to get involved in the hunt from the get-go. By giving them a call of their own, they can feel involved and helpful with the hunt.

Similarly, turkey hunting is more “run and gun” versus “sit and wait.” With whitetail hunting, outdoorsmen can remain patiently poised in stands and blinds for hours before seeing any action. New and young hunters may be quick to deem the waiting game too boring, or less satisfying because of these long waits. With turkeys, the sits are shorter and more fast-paced.

Turkey hunting is a great way to build a bond between hunters young and old. By introducing the outdoors lifestyle and passions into the hearts of many, the strong hunting heritage can continue to thrive for years to come.

Watch the related Winchester Life episode.

Casey Keefer
Casey Keefer
Casey lives off of the adrenaline and the solitude he finds in the most remote corners of the world. Essentially, this charges his batteries. For him, it’s not about the end game, it’s about the journey. He considers it his duty to “pass it on,” so that hopefully you can experience the same in your very own way – wherever that may be, chasing whatever you may chase. Casey is co-host of Winchester Life. He and brother Chris find themselves pursuing big game a large amount of time in Alaska.
Chris Keefer
Chris Keefer
Chris loves to chase big game in Alaska with brother Casey and spends a ton of time doing just that. When not there or in the planning stages of the next hunt, he enjoys a sunny day round of golf back home in his native Michigan.

As co-host of Winchester Life, he feels it his responsibility to help you find your own definition of the outdoors. He takes this responsibility very seriously and will take the rest of his working life fulfilling this quest. He can go from adventurous woodsman to sharp-dressed dinner guest in no time at all.