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Quick and Easy Gun Cleaning 101 by Becky Yackley

In this video, I’m going to show you basics for cleaning a gun. Whether it’s a pistol, rifle, or shotgun, this video will help you get through the very basics. First, check that your firearm is unloaded. Always do this following the 4 cardinal rules of gun safety.

For quick cleaning, I usually do three things: clean the action, clean the slide, clean the bore. This isn’t a deep clean, but just a quick going over. This is what I do during a competition; at the end of the day before I go to bed. If it’s a shotgun, I also clean the magazine tube. I Look over my gun, wipe out the action and clean under the extractor (q tips, brush, rag, paper towel). Add oil. Run a bore snake. Run a dry patch to wipe oil and carbon out. Oil where appropriate. Check gun sights and mag release, reassemble.

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You want to learn these basic steps so that when you pull a firearm out of the safe, you have a basic idea of what you’re looking for on cleanliness: is it clear, is it clean, is it oiled? Those are the big things that are simple to see and every firearms owner should know.

Come along on this video with Becky Yackley to learn more.

Becky Yackley
Becky Yackley
On the road more than home, Becky has competed in 3 Gun, Bianchi pistol, service-rifle, NCAA air rifle, smallbore and air pistol around the world since 1989. For her, shooting is more than an individual sport, it is a family affair. She and family travel both near and far to spread the words of safety and shooting to both friends and strangers. Shooting should be fun – this is what Becky preaches day in and day out. The “rush” of any competition highly motivates Becky, but it is the ability to share her sport and passion that truly drive her.