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African Crocodiles

Winchester Legends / Season 7 Episode 2

While hunting the game-rich country of South Africa’s Limpopo province, Bob Foulkrod has his sights set on the elusive crocodile.  Crocodiles have an extreme sense of hearing and smelling, and can feel the vibrations in the ground as you approach.  Now more than ever, a perfect shot will be needed or Foulkrod may face the very real and dangerous actuality of having to stalk a wounded crocodile into the brush.

While hunting the game-rich country of South Africa’s Limpopo province, Bob Foulkrod has his sights set on the elusive crocodile.  Crocodiles have an extreme sense of hearing and smelling, and can feel the vibrations in the ground as you approach.  Now more than ever, a perfect shot will be needed or Foulkrod may face the very real and dangerous actuality of having to stalk a wounded crocodile into the brush.

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Bob Foulkrod
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