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Early fall dove shoots are a tradition throughout much of the country. In many ways, dove shoots herald the start of the hunting season. Volleys of shots reverberate around farm country as shotgunners face the humbling experience that often accompanies taking a crack at the fast-flying birds.

Ken Perrotte
Read more about Tips on Casual Competition for Proficiency as a Newer Shooter
Becky Yackley
Serious competition shooters have a different focus than the casual shooter. They usually have specific events and goals they are training for. However, there are skill benefits for the casual shooter that can be found in competition. It’s a place not to be overlooked when a new gun owner is trying to improve their proficiency!
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Read more about How to Best Select Ammunition for the Range
Becky Yackley

For all of the current firearm owners and recreational shooters out there, there are many others who have thought about going to the range or owning a firearm but don’t know where to start. Let’s talk about some of the simple things you should know that can help you get to the range!

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Read more about Welcome to the Inaugural Winchester Shooting Sports eNewsletter

Within each eNewsletter, we’ll share engaging information in the shooting sports world including upcoming events, tips from Team Winchester and how to get more involved shooting sports world. In addition, we’ll showcase products that will help you prepare for time spent on the range with family and friends, or, for your next competition. Once again, welcome to the Winchester Shooting Sports eNewsletter!

Desi Edmunds

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Read more about How To Make This Your Best Clay Shooting Season Yet
Foster Bartholow

Hundreds of fellow shooters came to congratulate Matthew Bartholow after notching another incredible accomplishment. He just stepped off the line after winning the 2022 World Doubles Championship at the Grand American World Trapshooting Championships put on by the American Trapshooting Association in Sparta, IL. This shoot is the largest event of its kind. It attracts shooters from all over the world, spanning several days with more than 20 events to compete in. To say Matthew was brimming with emotion was an understatement.

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Read more about The Great Fanizzi
Winchester Ammunition
To see the face of the future of competitive sporting-clays shooting, you have to look no farther than young, Florida-born Joseph Fanizzi.  And Winchester is justly proud to announce that Fanizzi is now officially affiliated with Winchester Ammunition.
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Read more about Meet Joe Fanizzi - Sporting Clay Champion and New Team Winchester Member
Winchester Ammunition
To see the face of the future of competitive sporting-clays shooting, you have to look no farther than young, Florida-born Joseph Fanizzi.  And Winchester is justly proud to announce that Fanizzi is now officially affiliated with Winchester Ammunition.
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Read more about What Ammo do I Buy for My Firearm?
Becky Yackley
If you are one of the mentors helping millions of first-time firearm owners learn about firearms and ammunition, or one of those new to gun ownership, here are some facts every gun owner should know when making choices in ammunition.
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Read more about Things you Should Know When Purchasing Your First Pistol
Becky Yackley
Don’t feel overwhelmed! Let's break down some of the basic details to have in mind before you make a purchase.
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Read more about 2021 NSCA Tour Championship Tour, Powered by Winchester
Winchester Ammunition
A Fall Classic once more gathered the greats of the shooting sports at the state-of-the-art National Shooting Complex, October 22-31.
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Read more about National Sporting Clays Association Championship Winchester Ladies Cup
Winchester Ammunition
A woman’s place is–on the trap field.  Or the skeet, sporting clays, or 5-stand, and especially at San Antonio’s National Shooting Complex where through the 31st, the National Sporting Clays Association (NSCA) Championship–powered by Winchester®–is wrapping up the year’s-long tour of the five major regional championships, the US Open, and now the finale.
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Read more about Why Shoot Or Hunt With A Suppressor
Melissa Bachman
A common question I get asked when someone sees a suppressor on the end of my gun or in a photo is why? It’s a very reasonable question and answers may surprise you
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Read more about Team Winchester at the NSCA Championship Tour - North Central Regional
Winchester Ammunition
The North Central Regional Championship, August 10-15, 2021, followed the US Open–combining the 2020 and 2021 opens–held at Claythorne Lodge in Columbus, Kansas, June 7-13, and is ahead of the NSCA Championship scheduled for October 22-31 at the National Shooting Complex in San Antonio.
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Read more about Matt Bartholow ATA World Doubles Champion
Winchester Ammunition

The Amateur Trapshooting Association’s World Doubles Championship, held at the Grand in August, 2021, at the World Shooting & Recreational Complex in Sparta, IL, was particularly memorable, and a point of pride for Winchester.

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Read more about Team Winchester - 122nd Grand American World Trapshooting Championships
Winchester Ammunition
The first Grand American took place in Queens, NY, in 1899 for all of 74 shooters.  For the next quarter century, the Grand moved among assorted cities.  During that time, John Philip Sousa, “The March King” composer of “Stars and Stripes Forever,” was president of the American Trapshooting Association, predecessor of today’s Amateur Trapshooting Association (ATA).  In 1924, the Grand put down stakes in Vandalia, OH, calling it home until the move to Sparta.  One of the more notable shooters there in 1925, the year before her death, was Phoebe Ann Mosey, better known as Annie Oakley.  Her score was 97 out of 100 targets thrown.  Roy Rogers, “King of the Cowboys,” was another repeat Vandalia competitor.
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Read more about Winchester Adds to Medal Count With Bernau Win in Tokyo
Winchester Ammunition
Shooting was one of the nine events in the original games Pierre de Frédy, Baron de Coubertin, brought to Athens in 1896, and some of the first Olympiads included live-pigeon shooting, running deer, and dueling.
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Read more about Maddy Bernau Heads to the 2020 Olympics with Winchester Ammunition
Winchester Ammunition
As she heads for the pandemic-delayed Tokyo 2020 Olympics, she is following on the record career of Olympian Kim Rhode, also of Team Winchester, the most decorated shooter in the history of the games and a competitor—and medalist—in six consecutive Olympiads through 2016, from Atlanta to Rio.  Maddy, though, is prepared for the challenge, her firearm loaded with Winchester AA shotgun shells.
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Read more about Safe Storage Options While Home and Away
Winchester Ammunition
Most gun-owning families with children simply desire a storage solution that keeps kids' grubby mitts off the gun but one that's also quick to access in an emergency.
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Read more about Defensive Drills for Intermediate Shooters
Winchester Ammunition
During the following intermediate drills, we’ll introduce moving while simultaneously firing and reloading, all while under a stopwatch to add mental pressure. Practice these drills until they become second nature, and you’ll be well on your way to becoming a proficient defensive hand-gunner.
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Read more about What Are Bonded Bullets And Why Do You Need Them?
Winchester Ammunition
One of the most popular premium bullets is known as a “bonded” bullet, due to the technique by which it’s manufactured. Here we will discuss what is meant by the term “bonded bullet,” how these bullets are made and why they are highly recommended for self-defense.
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Read more about 2020 National Sporting Clays Association Tour - Powered by Winchester
Winchester Ammunition
More than a century old, sporting clays evolved as a discipline to let shooters experience the nearest thing to actual field conditions during the off season, squaring up against six different-sized targets and always variable distances, speeds, and angles, simulating everything from duck to pheasant to rabbit hunting.  And since 1989, registered shoots and the official records of scores have been governed by the National Sporting Clays Association.  In 2020, for the second year in a row, the association’s nationwide series of events has been the National Sporting Clays Association Championship Tour (Powered by Winchester®)
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Read more about Shotgun Home Defense Tactics
Winchester Ammunition
If you forget everything else in a time of true emergency, remember the following tips. (Note: in a personal defense situation, it is always best to avoid confrontation and escape arms way if at all possible)
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Read more about Defensive Ammo Choices for Shotgun
Winchester Ammunition
Many years ago, there was one prevailing thought process when it came to the best shotshell load for home defense: Small shot sizes were thought to be only for birds, and 00 Buckshot was for large game animals like deer. As a result, shotgunners used 00 Buckshot for home defense because, after all, a human adversary is much closer in size to a buck than a bird, right?
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Read more about The Buffalo Bill Center of the West Museum in Cody WY
Winchester Ammunition

Like a boss, this buckskin wearing bad boy was a showmen, a soldier, and last but not least a mighty hunter.  What’s more impressive than him earning the Congressional Medal of Honor during the American Civil War, or taking 4,000 plus bison in a year in a half to feed Kansas Pacific Railroad workers, is that his legacy and memories live on and are enshrined in Cody Wyoming as if the man never died.  As the saying goes, “Hero’s get remembered, but Legends never die.” - The Sandlot

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Read more about What’s on a Box of Shells?

You bought a new shotgun, and now you need shells for it. So you run down to the local gun shop to buy some. But then you see all the mumbo jumbo on the box--Dram Equivalent? Ounces? Shot Size?--and uh, you’re confused! Well, don’t be. Instead, read this!


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Read more about Should You Refresh the Ammo in Your Concealed Carry Gun?
Winchester Ammunition
There are some reasons to swap it out for fresh ammo routinely. Here’s why:
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Read more about The Importance of Training with Personal Defense Ammo (Occasionally)
Winchester Ammunition
Handguns can be finicky feeders. Don’t assume that because you paid a mint for your new custom 1911 that it will reliably cycle every load you put through it. Indeed, oftentimes the more custom and “tight fitting” a firearm is, the less reliable it can be.
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Read more about Shotgun Familiarization
Winchester Ammunition
The fact is, a shotgun is a long gun with considerable recoil that requires proper technique to master. If you don’t have great technique, then the shotgun will be less effective, less accurate and likely result in uncomfortable recoil. But fortunately, there are a few simple practices that will have you loading, unloading and shooting the shotgun proficiently in no time.
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Read more about The 38 Special Vs. the .357 Mag
Winchester Ammunition
When shopping for a revolver, which one should you choose?
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Read more about Ideas for Setting a Shooting Range Near Your Home
Becky Yackley
If your local range is often closed, or travel is cumbersome, there are options. Building a home range is a viable alternative! We’re going to look at home range ideas and concepts to help you get you more time on the range.
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Read more about Don’t Forget the Mighty 10mm
Winchester Ammunition

If you’re searching for a more capable round in terms of terminal performance, and don’t mind larger-framed guns and added recoil, then don’t neglect the 10mm Auto.

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Read more about Why You Should Use Hollow Points in Your Defensive Handgun
Winchester Ammunition
Although most people are familiar with the term “hollow point,” new gun owners may not know what hollow points actually do, or why they are strongly recommended for personal defense.
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Read more about Sight Alignment and Sight Picture
Winchester Ammunition

When shooting a handgun, it’s very tempting to point the gun where you are looking and expect to hit your intended target. Unfortunately, it doesn’t happen like that.

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Read more about Handgun Familiarization
Winchester Ammunition
Becoming an expert with your handgun is no different! You should become so familiar with your handgun, that you can load, fire, manipulate and unload it in any situation. For this, you’ll need plenty of practice on the range with Winchester ammunition.
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Read more about Ammunition Options for Personal Defense
Winchester Ammunition
It’s no wonder why you want the best you can get. Keep in mind that the ammo you keep in your personal defense gun will hopefully never need to be used, so purchasing the highest-quality defensive ammunition may be the least expensive investment you ever make. From handguns to rifles and shotguns, here are some favorite Winchester loads for common personal defense firearms:
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Read more about Three Keys to Great Handgun Shooting
Winchester Ammunition
Once the fundamentals of shooting are learned, becoming great with your handgun boils down to three core aspects.
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Read more about Defensive Handgun Drills for Beginners
Winchester Ammunition

If you bought a handgun for concealed carry purposes—great job! Bear in mind that learning to use a firearm for self-defense involves much more than simply shooting bullseyes on a range, where everything is easy. After the fundamentals—proper stance, grip, sight alignment and trigger squeeze—are mastered, try these two defensive drills.

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Read more about Enough Ammunition - Round & Round
Winchester Ammunition
The correct answer, while not “all,” is still, “a lot.”  Becoming a defensive shooter takes three things:  handgun-reliability testing, shooting-skill development, and most essential, practice.  And  all require a lot of rounds.  That doesn’t have to be open ended, though; and it’s possible to give reasonable estimates of how many rounds may be involved.
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Read more about A gun buyer has definite options for home defense pistol rifle or shotgun
Winchester Ammunition
If faced with a threat in your home, you could absolutely use any functioning firearm to combat it. You could also pick up a baseball bat, golf club, or fire poker; but simply having a means of fighting back does not ensure survival. 
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Read more about Best Defense - The 9MM
Winchester Ammunition
If Harry Callahan had been a real law-enforcement officer, though, instead of a movie one, you wonder how often that 44 Magnum might have hung up under his jacket when he tried to draw it, or what he could actually hit with it in a fire fight.  Or how long he could have stayed alive, carrying it.
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Read more about Getting a Grip - Proper Handgun Fit
Winchester Ammunition
Proper handgun fit will make it easier for you to hold, aim, and fire, control recoil, reload, and clear malfunctions.  If your gun doesn’t fit your hand as well as possible, it will compromise your performance in one or more of those areas.
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Read more about Enthusiasm Versus Motivation - Finding Proficiency With Your Firearm
Winchester Ammunition
Shooting is, and ought to be, fun.  If you are serious, though, about owning and carrying a firearm for protection of your family, friends, and yourself, you need more.  You need a concrete motivation.
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Read more about Range Etiquette and Having Fun While Shooting
Winchester Ammunition
However, the vast majority of American gun owners go to public or private gun ranges to practice their marksmanship. While these ranges are overwhelmingly safe, fun and friendly, there are several unspoken rules, i.e., range etiquette tips, everyone should know to ensure a great range experience.
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Read more about Shooting Tips from Kim Rhode
Winchester Ammunition
That’s six different Olympic games where she has taken on the world’s best shooting sports athletes and won. Rhode has three gold medals (Skeet and Double Trap), while taking home three more medals, making her achievements unlike anything in the history of the Olympic games.
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Read more about Summertime Plinking Fun!
Becky Yackley
Another pastime at those gatherings was plinking. We would often take out BB guns and shoot soda cans with our cousins, dads, and friends. I want to share some ideas on ways to enjoy your holidays and the outdoors, and have fun learning (and teaching) in the process!
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Read more about Drive to the Target - Shooting Tips from Frank Thompson
Winchester Ammunition
Thirty-one-year-old Frank is a two-time Olympian who has also participated in the Pan Am Games and World Championships in skeet.  Having begun shooting with his father at age 10, Frank’s connection to the sport goes back to his birth when he was delivered by the former team doctor of USA Shooting.  Other athletes in his extended family include second-cousin Patty Durkin, a multiple medalist in Paralympic wheelchair track and field.  With more than 20 years of skeet experience, Frank has learned a number of tips and techniques that any clay target shooter can use.
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Read more about  So I Purchased a Handgun. Now What?
Winchester Ammunition
But merely owning a firearm and being responsible doesn’t magically make you safe. You must develop the necessary attitude, knowledge and skills to be confident and competent if you must use it. But before you can do so, you’ll need a few more things to begin your training.
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Read more about Shotgun Shooting Tips From a Pro - Dania Vizzi
Winchester Ammunition
Shooting literally hundreds of days a year, and going through tens of thousands of Winchester AA cartridges in a season, Vizzi has committed not just to memory, but to instinct, the small, vital techniques that add up to better, and sometimes to your best, clays shooting.
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Read more about Getting Used to Firearm Platforms for the First-Time Gun Owner
Becky Yackley
I’m going to share a few tips for each platform: rifle, pistol and shotgun. The goal is for you to use this information to safely start enjoying your range days!
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Read more about First-Time Gun Owner? Follow the Four Rules of Firearms Safety.
Becky Yackley
I’m going to share a few tips on range rules for new gun owners so you can safely start enjoying your range days!
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Read more about In Home Dry Fire Training Tips
Becky Yackley
One simple way that people are able to practice when they cannot get to a range is by utilizing the concept of dry fire.
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Read more about Find Some Fun Plinking in the Spring
Nikki Boxler
It's super-cheap, super-fun and gets me primed once again for hunting seasons to come!
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Read more about How to Keep Range Time Fresh and Exciting
Becky Yackley
Our ability to enjoy work depends mostly on our mindset, but there are other ways to make work more enjoyable. Whether you put in time on the range to train for competition or just to better your skills, enjoying that time can be a challenge. Finding enjoyment can be difficult if we get stuck in a repetitive pattern. I’m going to share a few ways to keep range time fresh!
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Read more about Zach Kienbaum (Team Winchester) Wins Back-to-Back NSCA National Championship Titles
Winchester Ammunition
The “American Legend “ adds to its long-standing commitment to the shooting sports with the title sponsorship of the National Sporting Clays Association (NSCA Championship Tour) with the National Championship held at the National Shooting Complex in San Antonio, Texas, bringing together 4,000 of the most dedicated and expert clays shooters to be found.
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Read more about Range-Ready with Winchester's USA Ready
Becky Yackley
We might replace small parts or springs, maybe a barrel replacement as needed, but a firearm lasts a long time. The big repeat cost for anyone who enjoys shooting is ammunition. Many people try to lower that cost by reloading. We do a bit of that for matches that require our ammunition to make a specific power factor (power factor is the velocity of the cartridge measured by a chronograph - then multiply by the weight of the projectile and then divide by 1000). But for many sporting shooters, the time, tools, and know-how for reloading are resources they don’t have. Maybe travel restricts access to ammunition...whatever hurdles you have, there are answers! One of the new products we have found very valuable to our “gear” is USA Ready ammunition. I’m going to dive into some of the reasons we like it, and some of the results we have seen with it.
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Read more about Finding New Friends Through Local Wildlife Activities
Nikki Boxler
This reminds me that hunting season is just about here and also that backyard barbecues and bonfires will soon be coming to an end. Don’t get me wrong I love hunting season, but there’s just something about getting together to cookout and shoot with friends that I absolutely LOVE - it might just be the food talking,but it is hands down one of my favorite summertime activities.
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Read more about Concealed Carry for Women
Becky Yackley
The 2018 census reported 11 million single parent families in the US. 80% of those families had a woman at the helm. While men are often viewed as the protector of the family, women are the primary parent, lead provider and caregiver in millions of families in this country. Looking at family safety in light of that information tells us that some of the trends we see in firearms ownership on the rise among women are simply due to numbers. Women lead families, and they want to be safe. But just owning a firearm doesn’t make one safer. Safety is a mindset. But in addition to the right mindset, you need a plan, and that plan must involve a ton of practice. Below are a few thoughts on each of these ideas.
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Read more about Winchester Shooters Achieve New World Record
Winchester Ammunition
In the many thousands of years that the bow has existed, archers have vied to see who could strike a target at the longest distance, with the official record now, set only a few years ago, stretching to almost 300 yards.  More recently, a rifleman claimed a hit at three miles on a steel target with a scoped rifle–interestingly, the Guinness World Records does not accept shots made with scoped rifles, stated they want to maintain a level playing field. What we don’t often think about, though, is what the maximum range may be for breaking a clay bird with a shotgun.
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Read more about National Shooting Sports Month!
Becky Yackley
Well, for most American’s summer is precious time. It’s time to bond with our children, relax and connect. Time to just get a breather from the rushed pace that life often takes on. But the end of summer also marks the time that many shooting sports are in full swing, or ramping up!
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Read more about Third Annual NSSF Shooting Sports Month
Winchester Ammunition
Thirty-one days of celebrating what is probably America’s most traditional and longest lasting passion and pastime–target shooting.  From turkey shoots in the backwoods frontier to sporting clays at virtual country-club facilities, the shooting sports have always had something for everyone.
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Read more about How Much Ammo is Enough?
Rob Pincus
The fact is that defensive shooting skill development, reliability testing with defensive ammunition and practice all require a lot of ammunition. But just how much is, well, enough? What should you consider a bare minimum in each endeavor?
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Read more about Choosing a Sensible Pistol for Self Defense Situations
Rob Pincus
Smaller guns are harder to shoot, less fun to shoot and more work to run… but, that’s no excuse not to spend time working with and thinking about the gun that you are actually relying on when carrying in the public space. In this blog, I’m going to cover three topics related to Compact Single Stack Pistols (CSSPs): why they are a great choice for Personal Defense, why you really do need to practice with them and what special considerations you might make in regard to ammunition & accessories for smaller guns.
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Read more about 2019 North Central Regional N.S.C.A. Championship Tour
Winchester Ammunition
At the level of friends and pastime, it is among the most sociable sports there is, with tens of millions participating.  Raise it to a prize competition, though, and it whipsaws to among the most heartless.
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Read more about Shooting Fundamentals
Becky Yackley
One of the recent classes I was at really drove home for me how helpful it can be to take smaller slices or fractions of a skill and work that small piece until it can be sequenced into the larger whole. Slowing down to focus on that small slice also gives us time to focus on the fundamentals of shooting. You hear people refer to that phrase so often, but what does it mean?
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Read more about Fun For New Shooters At Your Local Range
Becky Yackley
Friday night means different things to different people. Most people look forward to a Friday night of  relaxing on their couch with Netflix, a night out with their significant other, or catching up with friends and family. But those social gatherings don’t need to fall on a Friday - it can be whatever day of the week your social circle gets together to relax and do something they enjoy.  If you're looking for a social circle that actively enjoys time together, look no further than competitive shooting.
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Read more about Hit the Hogs Hard with Winchester
Chris Keefer, Casey Keefer, Nikki Boxler, Paul Sawyer

Hunters often flock to the Lone Star state to dial in on whitetail deer and mule deer. When the Winchester crew visited Texas in January, they had their sights set on antlers. But the hunters got a firsthand look at the wild pig problem in Texas…and got the chance to take a shot at swine.

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Read more about Why Deer Season XP Copper Impact Has Total Knockdown Power
Winchester Ammunition, Chris Keefer

It’s heartbreaking for a hunter to land the shot, but not locate the buck. We know the scene: The blood trail stops. The search slows. You finally have to admit to yourself that maybe that bruiser is gone……and steals some of your pride and ego right along with it. The trek back to the truck empty-handed can feel like a walk of shame. But there’s no real shame in it, because it happens to the best of us.

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Read more about What Triggers the Rut?
Winchester Ammunition

The time has come. 

When the rut is on, it’s on. A flip is switched. The big bucks move, while you stay still in the stand…hoping all of your hard work will pay off. If you’re shooting Winchester, reliability and power will be delivered every single time. But you need to make sure you’re in the stand when those bucks are on the move.

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Read more about How to Easily Sight-In a Gun With a Scope
Nikki Boxler
Whether you have a new gun, are changing the scope or have an old gun that hasn’t been shot in a while, it is important to head to the range before heading to the field so you can be sure to hit where you are aiming.
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Read more about Whitetail Hunting in Texas vs. Midwest
Chris Keefer, Casey Keefer, Nikki Boxler
Chasing a monster buck requires a certain level of strategy and skill that gets the blood pumping and the adrenaline flowing. It’s a feeling like no other…especially when you’ve got a warmed up Winchester firearm in hand. 
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Read more about Get Kids Involved in the Outdoors - Here is a Perfect Way
Nikki Boxler
Many people take advantage of public lands for hunting, fishing, skiing, hiking, birdwatching, kayaking and the list goes on. It is a place for us to go to clear our minds, relax and just enjoy being alive. There is even research providing evidence that spending time in natural environments positively affects us and our well-being. We are found to be happier, calmer and more focused when we spend time outdoors.
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Read more about How to Build Your Own Target for $30.00
Nikki Boxler
If you have about $30 and an hour of time you can easily build a target that is lightweight and easy to transport.
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Read more about Range Bag Essentials
Nikki Boxler
However, there are a few essentials that I have in my bag so I can be prepared for when the opportunity for fun arrises!
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Read more about Tips for Long Range Shooting
Nikki Boxler
Becoming a great shot is not something that happens overnight. It takes practice and repeating the same exact actions shot after shot (muscle memory). When you first start shooting with proper form, chances are you will have a checklist in your head that you will want to run down before EVERY shot. I know I do! Eventually, you will become comfortable with each step and will be doing them without having to think about it.
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Read more about Ways to Customize Your Own Firearm
Becky Yackley
Whether it’s the grip on their pistol or length of pull on their shotgun, making sure the gun fits is an important step. Let’s look at a few ways you can personalize your gun!
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Read more about National Shooting Sports Month - Share Your Passion!
Becky Yackley
The NSSF or National Shooting Sports Foundation has named August as THE month to take a friend shooting.  Whether you grab your grandpa's shotgun and take your kids shooting and share your family’s heritage, or go to your local range with friends, shooting is an American pastime that families have shared for generations.  


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Read more about Find Your Range at LETSGOSHOOTING.ORG
Winchester Ammunition

The skills involved in safe shooting, whether at paper or steel targets or flying clay ones, are the same as those prized in many other athletic disciplines:  concentration, hand-eye coordination, breath control.  Those, along with the wish to acquire the knowledge to handle and shoot firearms proficiently, are what make the thought of shooting so attractive to so many who have yet to give it a try.


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Read more about The Bartholow Brothers Victorious at The Grand American - Again
Winchester Ammunition
The South Dakota brothers, Foster, 30, and Matt, 28, seem to amass an increasing number of titles at every year’s championships, and this 119th edition was no exception. Last year they took home 25 trophies. This year, it was 28.  Out of 24 individual and pairs events, the brothers Bartholow were champions in 12, along with being runners-up in seven, and taking third places in four others.  And every one of the of shells they fired were Winchester competitive-shooting ammunition.
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Read more about A Day in the Life on the Road
Becky Yackley
Adventure is waiting for us, not just outside our door, but at our fingertips! We don’t have to go to the library to check out great vacation destinations, we can follow the blog of someone who has traveled there. We can find the Instagram accounts of people living adventures in their daily lives and sharing minute-by-minute. Some of life’s adventures are made up of what we do each day, and are born from embracing the beauty in the world around us. For my family, embracing adventure is a key part of what we do. And being able to make things work, even when they don’t work, is the secret to moving forward, even when everything tells you that you can’t.


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Read more about Get Prepared at the Gun Range
Chris Keefer, Casey Keefer
Every day brings us all one step closer to fall…so we’ve got one question for you:

Are you ready for hunting season?
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Read more about Is Competitive Shooting Good for Youth?
Becky Yackley
From ancient Greece and the birth of the modern Olympics, to sports youth can participate in at school and through local clubs, we see opportunities to develop everything from skills of strength to skills of dexterity, grace, and agility. Competitions where the athlete uses an object like shotput, pole vaulting, javelin throw, as well as modern biathlon and pentathlon are all Olympic sports that develop a person’s skill with a tool vs. just raw strength or speed, like weight lifting or running. We see volleyball and soccer as team sports that develop interpersonal skills alongside physical speed, strength, and agility. Competition shooting is a sport that develops such a wide range of skills that it’s potential to build young athletes can often be overlooked. I’m going to share a few ways competition shooting can help build your youngster into an athlete.
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Read more about August is NSSF National Shooting Sports Month
Winchester Ammunition
For those of us who shoot already, we know what we like about taking aim at targets, whether metal silhouettes, paper bullsyeyes, or those challenging little discs that appear suddenly on the trap and skeet field when we say the magic word, “Pull!”  We also know that we want our sport to expand and to be better understood by the world around us; and the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF), the trade association of the firearms industry, has named this August the second annual National Shooting Sports Month, making this the perfect opportunity to put our best foot forward as shooters.
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Read more about Family Fun on the Range
Becky Yackley
We bring new guns, old guns and guns we love to our family gatherings. It’s always a way for younger kids to get outside and pull them away from screens they’re watching. For some of them, it’s a chance to shoot new guns. But in the summer, it usually involves a clay thrower and every shotgun we can find, a box or two of clays and a lot of laughs. It’s a low-key way to introduce safe firearms handling and a fun way to learn to swing a shotgun at a moving target. Most importantly, it’s a way for families to bond over stories shared and lessons learned, and is totally fun!
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Read more about A Double Take at Trap
Winchester Ammunition

Now there is Foster and Matt Bartholow, the Hardy Boys of the Amateur Trapshooting Association.

If you compare the Bartholows to the Hardy Boys as they shoot their way to singles-, doubles-,*handicap-*, and team-championship fame, then the event where they have had the most spectacular impact, the Grand American World Trapshooting Championship in Sparta, Illinois, a summertime institution for more than a century, could be thought of as the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally of trap–an appropriate analogy for two brothers from Rapid City, South Dakota, only 30 miles from Sturgis.

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Read more about How to Best Travel With Firearms
Becky Yackley
...what sort of gun case is best, how to lock them, and some of the big items you need to know. This post is about the small things and ways to make it easier to travel with firearms.
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Read more about A Grand American Tradition
Winchester Ammunition
Inaugurated in 1900, the Grand American World Traphooting Championships is older than them all.  Probably among the largest sporting tournaments in the world, the “Grand” spans 11 August days of shooting and 24 separate events.  By the time it is done, over 4 million targets will be thrown, a better than fair percentage of them reduced to dust.
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Read more about The Gould Brothers
Winchester Ammunition

Exhibition shooting has a strong history in America. The sport continues to evolve and grow. Legendary exhibition shooters have helped paved the way for professionals nowadays, including brothers Steve and Aaron Gould.

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Read more about Women & Family in the Firearms Industry
Becky Yackley
While I am fortunate to write, blog, and photograph our family’s life with firearms, one of the unique perspectives I’ve had is growing up with a gunsmith father and family ties to the firearms industry.  True life experiences have shaped my relationship with guns. I’ve seen who it is that makes things happen behind the scenes. Often the movers and shakers are the women and families that we don’t see. Nurturing the roles women play in relation to firearms is important; not only for the growth of industry, but for the very fact that passing down American heritage is something families do. What are ways to share firearms with YOUR family?  Read on!
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Read more about Growing a Family of Competitors
Becky Yackley
On our way to and from competition, our family has seen a good part of the country by car. We’ve hiked to glacial lakes and slept under the stars in the Badlands (beautiful, but hot in August!). We’ve toughed-out torrential rain and hydrated in extreme heat. From Virginia to Utah and Russia to France, we’ve experienced things most people might not want to pay the price for. I’m going to share a little of how we make it work, because the cost isn’t as much monetary as it is personal investment.
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Read more about The Gould Brothers
Winchester Ammunition

Passion is packaged in all different ways. The Gould Brothers’ passion comes in the art form of precision: shooting exactly when and where they want, and doing it in style. Their impeccable, show-stopping shooting skills have earned them the reputation as the “World’s Best Exhibition Shooting Team.”

If you’re going to be the best, you need to use the best…which is why the Gould Brothers use Winchester.

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Read more about Dancing with Clays Team USAs Dania Vizzi
Winchester Ammunition
Dania, who calls Florida home, was on her way to studying with the renowned Julliard dance school and becoming a professional ballerina when, at 16, she was handed a .410 by her father and started breaking birds on the trap field.  Then came skeet, and it was love at first sight.
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Read more about Gun Safety Always Starts at Home
Becky Yackley
From their first steps to learning about the tools available to us in the world, education starts with parents. Firearm safety should be no different. 

You don’t need experts to teach your children about everything. Parents teach safety when it comes to everyday situations, like the swimming pool or crossing the street.  Parents start their children down the correct path in life in these areas and many others.

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Read more about How to Best Travel Domestically & Internationally with Firearm
Becky Yackley
We have the freedom to travel and hunt, compete, or just enjoy activities with firearms. When we travel to other countries, or even around the USA, there are some things to be aware of that work to keep you and your firearms safe. I’m going to share some of the things my family does to keep our guns safe when we travel.
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Read more about Lifestyle of a Law Enforcement Officer Family
Becky Yackley
The big give-away to what that is...a squad car parked in our driveway. Yes, my husband is a police officer. That means we know and do some things that other families won’t ever think about. Here’s a few that are serious, as well as funny.  

We know where the squad car keys are, we know how to start it. We keep it free from snow when Mark is gone in case another trooper needs it. In Wisconsin, this is funny because sometimes in winter, it seems futile.

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Read more about Are There Jobs to be Had in the Firearms Industry?
Becky Yackley
But I’m going to share why employment in a job that involves firearms in some capacity is a positive for young people.  

This year, my eldest son Tim who is 19 has worked instructing in pistol and carbine courses in Utah with Tactical Performance Center. Not only has he taught competition shooters, but also brand new shooters, law enforcement and military. While some kids get a job at their local Dairy Queen, there are jobs out there that can help a youth grow not just his or her bank account, but skills with people and situations that most young people won’t ever have to tackle.

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Read more about Born to Shoot: Team USA's Frank Thompson
Winchester Ammunition
Out on the high plains at the western edge of the Sand Hills, Alliance, Nebraska, is shooting country if there ever was.  And hometown boy, USA Shooting Team member, and Winchester shooter Frank Thompson was competing, with a bow, by the age of five.  Bows fit him better than guns at that age; but as he grew, his father was measuring him for firearms.  When Frank was nine his father brought out the shotgun, knowing that his son would ask when he could shoot it.  And shoot it he did, dad working him up to different guns and larger gauges, until at the start of his teen years, Frank was ready to shoot competitively.
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Read more about Meet Team USA's Dania Vizzi
Winchester Ammunition

Winchester Ammunition has been recognized as the choice of champion shooters for generations.  Shotgun competitors have depended on the quality of Winchester AA shotgun shells since 1965, while Winchester has been proud to see the heights to which those shooters can ascend with the brand’s’s ammunition in their guns.

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Read more about Meet Team USA's Frank Thompson
Winchester Ammunition

Frank was born in the “Cornhusker” state of Nebraska in 1988, and he was nine when he began shooting with his dad.  When Frank’s passion for shotgun shooting began, Frank was particularly attracted to sporting clays.

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Read more about Why Shooting Sports are Growing
Shooting sports hold a respected place within America’s history. So how did the pastime first begin in our country?
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Read more about Shooting a Handgun - Movement Drill
Becky Yackley
If we are able to safely move with a firearm in a competition - under stress, on the clock, as fast as we can, etc., we will be better prepared for other occasions we might handle a firearm while moving - like on our way to the deer stand or duck blind. We’re going to cover a few simple concepts on movement with a firearm that you can practice to help you move safely and keep your mind in the shooting match.
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Read more about Dry Fire Live Fire Exercises for Movement
Becky Yackley
Transitions start as you take a shot and begin to move to the next target. But what moves first? To build skills with transitions, we can practice with a simple draw and transition exercise.   
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Read more about Best Ways to Grip a Pistol
Becky Yackley
We've talked about having as much of our hand in contact with our pistol as possible.  In this blog, I’m going to show you a few ways to personalize your grip to help you have as much of your hand in contact with the grip as possible.These are things competition shooters do, but for someone who wants to enjoy shooting, these can be helpful and a lot of fun for kids to practice.
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Read more about Understanding "Sight Picture" When Shooting a Pistol
Becky Yackley

This is the basic principle, but while using this formula, we realize there are different types of sight picture. Each has a place, depending on the target and style of shooting. From close paper targets we see in some competitions, to refined shots requiring accuracy and finesse, there are different ways we use sights. There is a need to understand what YOU need to see to make those shots.

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Read more about Dry Fire Exercise to Help You See the Target Faster
Becky Yackley

The question then becomes, home much are you willing to spend in effort? Dry fire can help even the newest shooter because they will learn safe gun handling habits, how to move with a firearm, how to change magazines, transition, “see faster” - all without the need for ammo or travelling to and from the range. So grab your empty gun, mags, holster and mag holders and let’s check out some simple dry fire exercises to help you improve your handgun shooting.

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Read more about How to Best Clean a Magazine
Becky Yackley
It is said, cleanliness is next to godliness. When it comes to guns, this adage is TRUTH!  What makes you a god among mankind when it comes to using a pistol? Well, one that runs reliably to start! And to ensure that, we need to put in superhuman effort...sort of. A big part of it comes down to doing small things. One of those small things is cleaning magazines. It’s important not to let the little things slide. For competition, this means we might have a poor time or malfunction. For hunting or self-defense, there are much bigger implications!  
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Read more about Practice Drills 101 for Control When Shooting a Handgun
Becky Yackley
One of the things that new shooters need to understand about competition shooting is that a good stage or fast time is about so much more than just pulling the trigger. It is several sets of skills, artfully combined to produce the performance we want. 
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Read more about Practice Drills 101 for Speed
Becky Yackley
To do that, you need experience in shooting different ranges. In this video, I invite you to shoot a drill two ways in order to decide which you prefer.
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Read more about Exercises for Shooting Plates
Becky Yackley
A common set up for steel plates is a row of 6 plates, or a plate rack. This style of target is part of an event in NRA Action Pistol.  My family regularly competes in NRA Action Pistol at the Bianchi Cup.   We have been shooting Bianchi Cup for several years, and as we get ready for this year’s events, we are preparing for a world shoot AND the nationals. My eldest son is on the US Team for the Bianchi World Shoot and he has been the Junior National Champion for 3 years straight. So, we have a little experience shooting plate racks with a pistol. 
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Read more about Determining Your Dominant Eye
Becky Yackley
Or, understanding why it’s important to know which it is. In this blog, Ill explain and show you a simple way to determine your dominant eye. Then, Ill speak to other things to help the dominant eye do its job. Ill also share some info for shooting a pistol with your non-dominant eye and when it’s acceptable.
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Read more about How to Improve Stance and Grip as a New Pistol Shooter
Becky Yackley

Two of the biggest areas where you can make the most improvement are in the stance and grip. How you stand and how you hold the gun will have a much bigger impact on how you shoot the gun than almost anything. Start at the ground, build up & lean into it. 

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Read more about Picking a Handgun for Competition
Becky Yackley

I’m going to talk about them each in relation to competition to help you figure out if the gun YOU have at home is one you could take out and compete with.

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Read more about Social Media in the Outdoors: Is it Positive or Negative?
Nikki Boxler

I am active on many social media channels. My job in marketing revolves around the use of the Internet and social media. However, I always feel life would be simpler and people would truly connect more with the outdoors if they didn’t have access to the world at the tip of their fingers at any given moment.

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Read more about Why Suppressors
Melissa Bachman

The one thing that came unexpected were the comments I received from fellow hunters questioning why on earth I would ever need or want a suppressor on a hunting rifle. I understand that everyone seems to have an opinion online, but I didn’t expect this from hunters.

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Read more about Easy to Use and Super-Effective – the Winchester Ballistics Calculator
Ron Spomer

Because it will make you a better shot. And it could save the day if you’re faced with a puzzling set of shooting conditions. Ballistic calculators are computer programs based on physics. Scientists have long known what happens to projectiles thrown through the atmosphere.

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Read more about Shotguns for Self Defense at Home
Winchester Ammunition

Unlike a handgun, with its short sight plane, a longer shotgun is much easier to aim, particularly by less skilled shooters during a stressful moment. A shotgun also throws a wider pattern than a single projectile, allowing for poor aim, likely to be made poorer by a stressful situation such as a home break-in or defensive situation.

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Read more about 300 Winchester Magnum or the 300 Winchester Short Magnum
Ron Spomer

Maybe we can clear some confusion if we take a hard look at the old 300 Winchester Magnum and the newer 300 Winchester Short Magnum to gain a clearer understanding of what they do. First, both of these powerful magnum rounds exist for the extra reach and punch many shooters demand. North America and Africa harbor good to excellent numbers of large, tough, antlered or horned animals.

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Read more about Tips on How Best to Stay Warm in the Late Season
Nikki Boxler

However, visions of big bucks dance through my head along with hearing my dad’s voice say, “You’re not going to shoot anything if you’re not out there.” So, I gear up and head out. Through trial and error, I have found some simple yet inexpensive and effective ways to fend off the cold and hunt comfortably in the field for longer durations. Here are my tips and tricks to stay warm in the field this late season:

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Read more about Get a Grip for Better Trigger Control
Winchester Ammunition

Think about it, the bullet only has a few inches of barrel to travel down so the slightest dip in the barrel or flinch of the shooter can alter the trajectory drastically in just a few short yards of travel. To improve your ability to fire a handgun accurately, focus on these three aspects of grip for better trigger control and, ultimately, a better aim.

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Read more about Live Fire Drills That Force You to Think
Rob Pincus

In many sports, training includes some aspect of learning to focus exclusively on the task at hand, filtering out distractions. In endeavors such as putting, basketball free-throws, billiards and pitching, athletes practice blocking out all distractions and using visualization…

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Read more about Do Not Mistake Enthusiasm for Training for Motivation to Train
Rob Pincus

Don’t be a hobbyist in the area of defensive skill development. It is great if you gain pleasure from knowing that you are better able to defend yourself or your family if you need to. But, if the only reason that you train is because you enjoy it, you will inevitably start compromising your training… you’ll start deferring to techniques that you perform best in the training environment, not the ones that would serve you best in a fight.

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Read more about Freeze-Dried Meals – Hunting Meals Made Easy
Melissa Bachman

I’ve been in camps where everyone is so exhausted by the time dark comes that food preparation is the last thing anyone cares about. When this is the case, I’ve found a great solution: freeze dried meals. Most people think that freeze dried food would be a last resort or something that is less than desirable to eat. This may have been the case years ago, but this is an area that has really come a long way!

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Read more about Teamwork While Armed – Three Tips
Rob Pincus

Have you thought about how you can improve your safety by planning to work together with other armed people during a defensive event? Have you considered that not being prepared to interact with other armed people could put you at risk? Here are some tips to help you be safer and be better prepared to deal with threats when there is more than one armed “good guy” on the scene:

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Read more about Improve Your Handgun Skills in Your Home
Winchester Ammunition

Let’s face it, even though live-fire drills are critical to becoming a skilled shooter (and are much more fun), the cost can add up quickly for a lot of people making it difficult to put in the training time needed. Dry-fire drills can be done every day in the privacy and convenience of your home and best of all, they don’t cost a thing. But safety first.

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Read more about Shooting events for Women – Give it a Try, Ladies by Becky Yackley
Becky Yackley

For this match, I helped my friend Cyndi get her rifle zeroed and a little practice in, then we headed to the match. First, we checked out what vendors had to offer at side stages with her mother in law Jane. Them we got Cyndi shooting a pistol for the first time since she was last at a ladies event. Then we got ready for the match with things such as loading mags and organizing gear, listening to stage briefs with the other women in our squad, and then shooting.

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Read more about How to Clean an AR Platform Rifle by Becky Yackley
Becky Yackley

Come along on this Winchester video blog with Becky Yackley to learn how to easily and quickly clean your AR platform rifle. Deer season is fast-approaching…you’ll be glad you did.

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Read more about Defensive Calibers
Winchester Ammunition

But for many buyers a lot of questions surround not only which firearm to purchase, but primarily, what caliber it should be. Here’s a look at the pros and cons of many of the top defensive handgun calibers available.

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Read more about A Behind the Scenes Look at a Shooting Match by Becky Yackley
Becky Yackley

Take a peek at some shooting and scenes from a weekend match.  This match was the Generation III Gun Championship in Lake of the Ozarks, MO.  The event is a fundraiser to support youth who compete in 3 Gun, and they even had a shoot-off where juniors (kids under 18) picked adults to shoot a head-to-head stage with them while competitors waited for scores from the match to be tallied. Out of the 209 shooters, there were 31 juniors and 23 ladies competing in this match.

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Read more about Give Your Pistol a Good Cleaning – Here’s How
Nikki Boxler

There are many variations of kits, you can buy one that will only have the tools for your specific gun or you can purchase one that includes attachments for various different guns. If you have a kit that has several bore brush sizes, be sure to match the appropriate cleaning brushes with the gun you are cleaning to avoid damage and ensure you have a clean gun once finished!

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Read more about Shotgun’s Best Compete at 2017 World Championships
Winchester Ammunition

Team USA, powered by Winchester Ammunition, is off to a great start having earned four medals and five top-10 finishes thus far. Ashley Carroll (Solvang, California) and Derek Haldeman (Sunbury, Ohio) have led the charge as Carroll finished sixth in Women’s Trap and Haldeman finished fifth in Men’s Trap. The two then went on to earn a bronze medal in the Mixed Team Trap event Monday. The Trap Mixed Team event will make its debut as an Olympic event in Tokyo in 2020.  

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Read more about Get “Off the Bench” for Better In-The-Field Shooting by Ron Spomer
Ron Spomer

Practice shooting from field positions using prone, sitting, kneeling and standing positions with and without assistance from bipods, monopods and the like. Come along on this insightful video blog from Ron Spomer to learn more.

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Read more about Pistol Cleaning Made Easy by Becky Yackley
Becky Yackley

Come along on this video blog from Becky Yackley to see just how simple cleaning a pistol cab be. From disassembly, to an entire cleaning regime to putting the pistol back together…you will see all the steps that go into it. We hope you enjoy this latest video blog from Winchester.

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Read more about Defensive Shooting Target Distance
Rob Pincus

Training at realistic distances will help you gain an accurate understanding of your ability to do so. Your most likely defensive shooting distance is influenced by where you spend your time while armed or with access to a defensive firearm. If you only have a gun staged in your bedroom, then you can predict the distance you would be shooting if someone broke through your secured bedroom door to a high degree of certainty. 

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Read more about Find Friendship and Sportsmanship in the Shooting World
Becky Yackley

The physical variables that give bodies with larger muscles and longer limbs an edge are a matter of physics. Even in this modern day where girls are told not they can “do anything,” there are certain things that certain individuals cannot physically do. A 5′ tall person will not be able to reach something that a 6’3” person can, without artificial help. 

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Read more about Celebrate National Shooting Sports Month
Winchester Ammunition

The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) and other major industry manufactures, including Winchester, are supporting this initiative to showcase the positive benefits the shooting sports contribute to communities across North America. Online, messaging promoting the month is being noted with#LETSGOSHOOTING.

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Read more about Assessing Your Environment
Rob Pincus

In our Intuitive Defensive Shooting Courses, we spend 15-20 minutes just talking about the concepts I am about to share with you and then spend a lot of time engaging in the reality based application of those concepts into our live fire drills. First, let’s define “Assessment:” Collecting and Processing Information.

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Read more about How to Hit More Targets and More Game
Winchester Ammunition

To Navy pilots practicing touch and goes on a carrier deck, and a surgeon doing years of residency to perfect his art, the only way to get better at anything is to practice it over and over. And along the way, some good instruction is critical. Shooting is no different.

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Read more about Lateral Movement in Defensive Training
Rob Pincus

Both Rob and I agree that you generally don’t want to try shooting and moving at the same time during a defensive gun use: Plant & Shoot! But, what about the times that you are not actually shooting? When you are drawing your gun, when you are reloading or if you have to clear a malfunction, it probably makes a lot of sense to be moving.

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Read more about Building Responsible Gun Owners – One New Shooter at a Time by Becky Yackley
Becky Yackley

For youth, the promise is that for time spent shooting with supervised qualified Range Officers who adhere to safety measures that govern competitions, groundwork for being a lifelong gun owner with safe firearms handling skills is laid.  Furthermore, what is established are good gun habits that will be passed down for generations. 

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Read more about How Summers Clays Will Help You Become a Better Shooter in the Fall
Melissa Bachman

One thing many people forget about is practicing for wing-shooting! I shoot my bow and rifles year round, but many people forget about taking their shotguns out to shoot clay targets. Not only can this be a lot of fun, you’ll find it’s super helpful to improving your wing-shooting this fall.

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Read more about How to Get Youth More Involved in the Outdoors
Nikki Boxler

But, I am not alone in realizing the many drawbacks to having seemingly endless technologies available at our fingertips 24/7, 365 days a year.  These drawbacks become especially present in regards to our developing youth and a growing disconnect with nature and the environment around them! 

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Read more about USA Shooting Heads Overseas to Porpetto, Italy
Winchester Ammunition

Twelve of the USA’s best junior shotgun athletes have made their way there to compete in the lone World Cup dedicated specifically to Junior shotgun athletes in the ISSF season. For most of the U.S. team, it also serves as a warm-up for the ISSF World Championship for Shotgun in Moscow, Russia starting later this month.

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Read more about Bench Shooting Tips to Prep for the Big Game Season-to-Come
Melissa Bachman

First, think about what type of hunts you have planned for the fall and decide what ammunition will be best. What I love about Winchester is they have done such a good job of making specific ammo for specific needs. For example, I’m shooting DeerSeason XP in preparation for several mule deer & whitetail hunts this coming fall. 

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Read more about Tips for Breaking More Clays
Winchester Ammunition

Envision the target or if actually using something as a target, bring the butt of the gun smoothly to the shoulder, swing the gun from behind the target catching up to it, and the eye should automatically align down the barrel and looking at the target.

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Read more about Gearing up for the Range by Ron Spomer
Ron Spomer

By eliminating as much human error as possible via a solid anchor, you can determine what your rifle and ammo are doing without worrying that YOU may have pulled a shot. Here’s what you need.

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Read more about Life-Lessons Gained Through Hunting & Shooting
Becky Yackley

She was confused, said yes, and as she pulled away, realized what he was doing – helping an elderly man who was out mowing his lawn. The number of shares and comments highlighted how out of place it’s become for young people to help the elderly and for people to just be decent to each other. To put themselves aside and think of others.

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Read more about “The Grand” Shooting Event
Winchester Ammunition

The Grand American World Trapshooting Championships (known simply as the Grand American to competitors) kicks off Aug. 2 and will run for 10 days through Aug. 12. It is the 118th year of the Grand American as the first one was held in 1900. The championships feature more than 24 shooting events in which shotgun competitors to go head to head including events for singles, doubles, handicap and even sub-gauges.

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Read more about Proper Handgun Fit
Rob Pincus

Proper handgun fit will make it easier for you to hold the gun, aim the gun, shoot the gun, manage recoil, reload the gun and clear malfunctions. If your gun doesn’t fit your hand as well as possible, it will compromise your performance in one or more of those areas. Proper Handgun fit starts with making sure that you can hold the gun in a way that deactivates any grip safety and allows you to actuate the trigger while the first knuckle of your strong hand thumb is positioned to the weak side of the frame of the gun.

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Read more about Travel to Shoot – Find Experiences Beyond Your Local Range
Becky Yackley

They also meet adults, see new faces and places.  But there’s a sport that will not only introduce them to new people nearby, but new people all over the country and world.  That sport is shooting. Since 2012, our boys have seen most corners of the US, as well as Italy and Russia.  They’ve seen America first-hand.  Not from geography books, but with their own eyes. 

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Read more about Pistol, Rifle or Shotgun for Home Defense
Rob Pincus

Rifles and shotguns are often more powerful than handguns and increase your ability to hit your target under circumstances beyond two arms reach, especially for those with less training and practice. In any case, be sure that you have trained to use your firearm under dynamic circumstances and stage it responsibly in your home to prevent unauthorized access.

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Read more about The Importance of Joining a Summer Clay League
Melissa Bachman

Unfortunately, in the last 10-years, I haven’t been able to do as much of it as I would like to. However there is still no reason not to practice to ensure good shooting should the opportunity arise. Many people don’t have the ability to shoot trap in their backyard like I did when I was a kid, me included today. So what’s a great way to practice and still have some fun this summer? Join a trap league!

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Read more about Choke Tube Selection by Nikki Boxler
Nikki Boxler

This video will give you a visual of what the choke patterns look like and help you to decide what choke is best for the type of shooting or hunting you will be doing. I hope this video gives you a better understanding of what choke you should use before heading out on your next adventure!

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Read more about Home Defense Tactics
Rob Pincus

Remember that these tactics revolve around protecting yourself or those you care about inside of your house or apartment, not protecting your belongings or the home itself.

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Read more about Choosing 9MM as a Defensive Caliber
Rob Pincus

For many years, I believed in the “bigger is better” theory of defensive handgun rounds. About a decade ago, I started paying more attention to the engineering and performance of modern 9mm rounds and I made the switch. I have no lack of confidence in the 9mm round when I recommend to students or carry for the protection of myself and those I care about.

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Read more about Summer Break – Time for Some Shooting With the Kids
Becky Yackley

Learning with play while engaged in an activity we are interested in is a strong way to learn. You can turn summer play time into a way to teach firearms safety. Let the kids practice with BB guns, squirt guns, rubber band guns, marshmallow guns… They will learn firearms safety with simple toys.

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Read more about Olympic Day: Celebrate With Thousands Across the Globe
Winchester Ammunition

To continue the celebration of the Games, The United States Olympic Committee (USOC) has instituted June 23 as “Olympic Day.” Founded in 1894 and headquartered in Colorado Springs, CO., the USOC serves as both the National Olympic Committee and National Paralympic Committee for the United States. It is responsible for the training, entering and funding of U.S teams for the Olympic, Paralympic, Youth Olympic, Pan American and Parapan American Games, while serving as a steward of the Olympic Movement throughout the country.

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Read more about What are the Benefits of Owning a Suppressed Firearm?
Winchester Ammunition

However, according to most experts, the two terms can be used interchangeably. In fact, Hiram Percy Maxim, who invented the suppressor, named his original device, the Maxim Silencer. Regardless of what you call it, confusion and information abounds around this device that is heavily regulated in the United States, but can be purchased over the counter in Europe where it almost considered rude to shoot without one.

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Read more about Quick and Easy Gun Cleaning 101 by Becky Yackley
Becky Yackley

For quick cleaning, I usually do three things: clean the action, clean the slide, clean the bore. This isn’t a deep clean, but just a quick going over. This is what I do during a competition; at the end of the day before I go to bed. If it’s a shotgun, I also clean the magazine tube. I Look over my gun, wipe out the action and clean under the extractor (q tips, brush, rag, paper towel). Add oil. Run a bore snake. Run a dry patch to wipe oil and carbon out. Oil where appropriate. Check gun sights and mag release, reassemble.

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Read more about What are the Four Top Tactical Rounds?
Winchester Ammunition

The popularity of the latter has been largely driven by a climbing interest in home defense and concealed carry. So, what are the most popular tactical calibers out there today? Let’s take a look:

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Read more about The Model 42 Shotgun

Winchester: A tried and true name that represents much more than quality hunting and shooting products. It is an American symbol of a beloved past time. Every barrel boasts a story.

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Read more about W Train & Defend – a Fabulous Ammunition Combination for the New Shooter
Melissa Bachman

Luckily, they didn’t stop with this mindset when they moved to the world of self-defense. There is a huge rising number of Americans buying guns for the first time with personal defense in mind, and many of these new shooters are female. Understanding this, Winchester realized there needed to be a streamlined process when choosing the best ammunition for personal defense and training with it. When looking at an ammunition shelf it can be truly overwhelming trying to decide what ammo is best to protect yourself and your family.

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Read more about Shooting is a Family Sport – Let’s Go!
Becky Yackley

It’s not what one would usually think of when they hear “sport.” This sport takes mental and physical agility, focus, and strength. Young and old, male and female, can compete in it. This sport is competitive shooting. Competitive shooting can vary from low-impact, static disciplines, like NRA smallbore, air rifle, or sporting clays, to ones that demand stamina and explosive power, such as practical pistol and shotgun competitions under USPSA and IPSC governing bodies, to true marathons of skills put to practice in 3 gun and multigun.

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Read more about Seven Benefits to Shooting Clays Birds This Summer
Nikki Boxler

So this summer be sure to visit your local range and get together with your friends to have some good old fashioned fun! If you do this consistently you’ll be a better shot this fall! Add some Winchester AA Ammunition and break some clays!

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Read more about The Shooting and Hunting Sports See a Surge in Female and Youth Participation
Becky Yackley

But it’s okay, because that cradle-rocking hand can’t do it from a pedestal – women who work and impact those around them are in the trenches. They’re not up on a pedestal, inaccessible – they’re covered in baby burps and the 1,001 things that need to be done when they get home from work at night.

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Read more about Ammunition for Self-Defense Training
Winchester Ammunition

Firearms retailers estimate that 40% of their gun customers in the first four months of 2020 were first-time buyers. Personal protection was the over-riding purpose of the handguns, MSRs and shotguns purchased by first-time buyers. 

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Read more about Ammunition for Self-Defense Training
Winchester Ammunition

And while the motivation for many of these permit holders is to improve their opportunity to protect themselves in the event of a violent crime, it is fortunate many of these people will never actually need to defend themselves with a firearm. Think of it more as insurance.

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Read more about How to Bust More Clays at the Skeet Range
Winchester Ammunition

Hunters may be hitting the turkey woods, but for many competitive and recreational shooters, the skeet range is where they cut their clay busting teeth and the skeet range is where they return to perfect the wingshooting skills that make this and other competitive clays games so challenging and so much fun. To improve your game on the skeet range this year, follow these basic tips:

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Read more about Winchester Unveils Updated Retail Outlet for ACUI Collegiate Championships
Winchester Ammunition

That was 120 more students than the previous year, making it one of the largest collegiate clays shooting competition held each year. The event was held March 28-April 2. Shooting competitions were held for International Skeet, International Trap, American Skeet, American Trap, 5-Stand and Sporting Clays. Lindenwood University out of St. Charles, Mo., proved to be big winners at the event taking top Division 1 American Skeet and American Trap, Division 1 International Skeet and International Trap, and Division 1 5-Stand and Sporting Clays honors.

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Read more about The Enduring and Ever-Popular .45
Winchester Ammunition

And so on and so forth. Whenever the 9mm crowd and .45 fans begin debating the merits of each caliber as a defensive round, while both cartridges have their merits, two things are undeniable. One, is that the .45 certainly delivers an abundance of stopping power. The second is that having been created more than 100 years ago, it remains one of the most popular, and enduring handgun cartridges still today. Here’s why:

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Read more about The Winchester AA – America’s Clay Shooting Favorite for More Than 50 Years
Winchester Ammunition

With so many people involved in shooting shotguns for fun, it’s no surprise, with their technology leading shotshells, Winchester has been a big part of the fun as well. Leading the way is Winchester’s AA line of shotshells—without doubt one of the most versatile and unique collection of offerings for any shotshell line available. Here’s why:

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Read more about Tribute to Leo George
Winchester Ammunition

We want to recognize Leo for his contributions to Winchester, to its historic NILO Farms hunting preserve, and to conservation and the shooting sports. Leo became manager of Winchester’s NILO Farms preserve in 1961 and carried that responsibility for the next 30 years. NILO Farms is a world-renowned hunting preserve located near Brighton, Illinois, where guests can enjoy hunting ringneck pheasants, chukar partridges, and mallard ducks, and also shoot trap, crazy quail, skeet, Riverside skeet, sporting clays, 5-stand, and the tower. 

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Read more about Knock-Knock – Don’t Forget Your Hunting Sweetie on Valentine’s Day
Nikki Boxler

To help ease the feat of finding that perfect way to show your love and affection for that special someone this Valentine’s Day, I’ve created a sportsman-friendly gift guide. I think you’ll find the ideas below are sure to pair well with your Valentine’s Day plans…especially if those plans include target practice in the days to come.

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Read more about Greetings from new Winchester Blogger – Nikki Boxler
Nikki Boxler

Ah yes…good questions indeed. Do know that I am extremely excited to become a regular blogger for Winchester Ammunition. My objective here will be to share some tips and some experiences on how to get more enjoyment from our great sport! Like you, I have a full-time job. I work as a marketing director in Buffalo, NY. I try to balance my full-time career with my full-time passion for hunting, fishing and just about anything the outdoors has to offer.

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Read more about New From Winchester 2017
Winchester Ammunition

As fans of the company have come to expect each year, the Big Red W once again is delivering a host of great new shooting products and ammunition line extensions to make your shooting more fun and productive whether you competitively shoot, hunt or simply plink targets on the farm. Here’s a snapshot of what is fresh from the development teams at Winchester:

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Read more about How to Properly and Safely Store Ammunition in the Off-Season
Winchester Ammunition

But what about the ammo? Do you give much thought about the best way to store your ammunition over these extended periods of time? You should. While most modern ammunition fortunately doesn’t require too much care to ensure it stays as ready to fire as the day you bought it, it does require some care. For any load, moisture and high heat, are the primary enemies. Here are just a few key concerns to keep in mind when storing your ammunition for the off-season.

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Read more about Final Winchester 150th Anniversary Bullet Board Available Now!
Winchester Ammunition

The Winchester Model 1866 “Yellow Boy”, made in 1871 and chambered for the original 44 Henry Rimfire cartridge, will go to the highest bidder, with the auction closing at 11pm central on December 24, 2016. Visit qtego.net/qlink/foldsofhonor for more information and to place your bid now!

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Read more about Four Tips for Late Season Whitetails
Winchester Ammunition

In many areas across the whitetail’s range, the winter is turning cold, maybe even some snow is on the ground, and that buck tag is still burning a hole in your wallet because it’s yet to be filled. Here are five tips to help you finish the season strong.

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Read more about The Last Bird
Chris Keefer, Casey Keefer, Gabe Adair, Nikki Boxler, Paul Sawyer

The Winchester Life crew heads to the sporting clay range at Nilo Farms, eager to share a popular pastime. Near and dear to sportsmen across the country, the clay-target shooting range at Nilo is an exciting and important part of the overall Nilo experience. Each guest arrives ready for the opportunity to shake off the rust, receive world-class coaching by Nilo staff, and most importantly…have fun. There’s nothing quite like pulverizing a floating orange disk into dust with a locked and loaded Winchester.

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Read more about Five Tips for Shooting More Waterfowl
Winchester Ammunition

From the early days of capturing the latest innovations to make shells better (think smokeless powders and later plastic hulls) to the modern wonder, BlindSide, which utilizes stacked hexadhedron-shaped steel shot and Winchester’s patented Diamond Cut wad. But even with the best shells ever made loaded in your shotgun, it does you no good if you don’t follow proper shooting technique and fail to properly lead the fast flying target ducks and geese present.

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Read more about Winchester and Waterfowl – A Match Made in the Marsh
Winchester Ammunition

It should be no surprise that at this time, as there was increasing interest in meeting the ammunition needs of a growing legion of sportsmen, that Winchester shotshells first found their way into the duck boats of waterfowl hunters along the Mississippi River as well as along the Eastern Seaboard. Subsequent ammo introductions quickly followed, including Winchester’s Star line, which coincided with the appearance of the lever-action 1887 shotgun that same year.

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Read more about Three Tips for More Whitetail Success
Melissa Bachman

However with all that said, there are some tactics that are pretty effective across the board.  Below are my 3 favorite whitetail tips & tactics that I feel are most beneficial in the field.

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Read more about Favorite Winchester Firearms
Winchester Ammunition

But as the company delved deeper into the production of ammunition, the creation of new calibers and the manufacture of firearms capitalizing on emerging technologies and their own innovative gun designs of the time, Winchester came to develop firearms far removed from those original lever actions. In fact, two of the most famous Winchester model firearms in history, are the Model 12 shotgun and the Model 70 bolt-action rifle.

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Read more about Canada Waterfowl Hunting – Some of the Finest Available
Melissa Bachman

He has monster bucks, big bear, and incredible waterfowl hunting.

Growing up, we spent many weekends hunting ducks and geese on local public land near my home.  The youth day hunts were exceptional as it opened a weekend before the regular opener, but I had never really experienced anything like what Canada has to offer.

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Read more about Shooting by the Numbers – More Women on the Range
Winchester Ammunition

And when it comes to shooting, both candidates and the media more often lose sight of the big picture of the role firearms play in the sporting lives of millions of Americans. Here is a quick look at recreational shooting and firearms ownership in America by the numbers.

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Read more about Some Good Time Gator Hunting
Melissa Bachman

Second, I’m not around very much and this can be a great way to spend quality time with my mom, dad and brother that wouldn’t normally happen in the fall because of my rigorous schedule. Third, I can’t even explain the joy it gives me to see my own family experience something for the first time.  I still absolutely live for hunting, but it really makes me smile to see their excitement.

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Read more about Winchester Firearms that Defined a Generation
Winchester Ammunition

As the company burst onto the scene in 1866, they would go on to change the way soldiers fought and sportsmen pursued game and play a key role in the settling of the West. Here are three of the most iconic firearms of that time—all of them lever-action rifles. Lever-actions represented the cutting edge in repeating rifle innovation during the second half of the 1800s.

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Read more about Hunting – Make it a Family and Friend Affair
Melissa Bachman

The tags are generally cheap, the hunt will be an experience, and the memories are sure to last a lifetime.  This is such an easy way to spread the love of the sport, while finding new ways to enjoy the outdoors on your own as you watch it through a new hunter’s first experiences. As a young girl growing up in Central Minnesota, my passion was always hunting. 

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Read more about Poison Ivy Prevention – Avoid the Scratch Scratch
Melissa Bachman

The ivy literally covered the ground in some locations for as far as the eye could see.  If hunting this area, it was completely un-avoidable.  I would never say there’s a deer worth getting covered in poison ivy, but if there were…this buck would probably be it.  We were chasing a huge 3×4 mule deer with triple brow tines.  He had a ton of mass, huge frame, and just an overall stud of a buck.  Unfortunately, he lived in a 2-mile by 2-mile area that was just littered with poison ivy.

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Read more about A Great Way to Sharpen Skills for the Coming Season – Squirrels
Winchester Ammunition

But while trigger sessions at the range are a fine way to make sure your big game gun’s scope is on and that you still have a steady enough hand and breathing technique to chew up a bulls-eye at 100 or even 200 yards, there’s an even more exciting way to make sure you are prepared for the big moments this autumn holds. That way is small game hunting.

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Read more about Snakes and Early Season Hunting – Things to Watch Out For
Melissa Bachman

However, one bad encounter with a rattlesnake can turn a hunting trip into a complete disaster. I’m no expert on rattlesnakes coming from central MN where they are few and far between, but luckily I spend a lot of time around people who are.  I’m constantly asking questions and learning everything I can, especially now when I’ve added my new side kick Pork Chop to the mix.

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Read more about History in the Making: Winchester’s First Centerfire Cartridge
Winchester Ammunition

In fact, the original Model 1873s were chambered in this first metallic centerfire cartridge manufactured by Winchester. It wasn’t long before the round received double utility as a handgun cartridge as well when Colt began making their Single Action Army revolver chambered for the round. As both a long gun and short gun cartridge, the .44-40 Winchester soon became a favorite among cowboys and frontiersman of the day.

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Read more about A Family Tradition – A Lever-Action Winchester 30-30
Melissa Bachman

For years I’ve been shooting some of Winchester’s latest and greatest guns, but on this hunt I was going back to the basics.  Everyone in my entire family has had a chance to shoot a Winchester 30-30 lever action gun that has been passed through the Bachman family, but now it was my turn.  Thecool part about the entire experience was the fact that this gun originally was used in Russia for boars, and now I was bringing it to Texas for a hog hunt as well.

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Read more about Winchester & Drury’s Natural Born Hosts Inducted Into Outdoor Hall of Fame
Winchester Ammunition

Gladwell illustrates his point using such icons as the Beatles, Bill Gates and Steve Jobs. He well could’ve added famed outdoor personalities Mark and Terry Drury.

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Read more about Kim Rhode Sets Olympic Record
Winchester Ammunition

In case you missed it the other week, given NBC’s—and the major media’s in general—challenge in adequately covering the breadth of events taking place during the Rio Olympics, Winchester-supported shooter Kim Rhode, 37, set a new world record when she finished third in the women’s skeet shooting event. Only Italian luge legend Armin Zöggeler has won as many consecutive individual Olympic medals.

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Read more about Tips for Proper Gun Sight-In
Melissa Bachman

This means tightening each screw a couple of times over and over, keeping it even.  If you don’t do this part correctly, you will have a very difficult time trying to get everything dialed in later on and wonder what the problem could possibly be.  Once everything is evenly tightened, to add a little lock tight to the screws to ensure nothing can get loose in the field.

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Read more about Summertime is for Plinking!
Melissa Bachman

We have lots of space to run around, drive ATVs, shoot our guns, bows, clay pigeons, fish, and almost anything we can think of.  One thing that’s almost always a guarantee though, is the fact that there will be some shooting practice included in the weekend. 

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Read more about Team USA Shooting for Shotgun Ready for Rio Games
Winchester Ammunition

As the official shotshell sponsor of USA Shooting, Winchester, with their AA line of shells, is looking forward to seeing these competitors shoot for the gold as much as the shooters themselves. Here’s a look at the team:

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Read more about Inaccurately Hot Rifle Barrels
Winchester Ammunition

You can recognize these by the way they scatter bullets. Dress them properly and you can alleviate that problem. Hot barrels aren’t a concern for deer hunters. One and done. But they can be for varmint hunters and target shooters. When you’re running a 25-round long-range target course or picking off a hundred pasture rodents in an hour, you’re scorching your barrel. As it expands, accuracy suffers.

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Read more about Champion Rhode Goes for Her 6th Olympic Medal
Winchester Ammunition

She is one of only 51 athletes in history to win five or more Olympic medals and was the first U.S. Olympian to win medals at five consecutive Olympic Games when she won a gold medal in the 2012 games. She won her first gold in 1996, won a bronze in 2000, another gold in 2004 and a bronze in 2008. If she medals in Rio, she will be the only U.S. athlete to ever do so and the second athlete ever to win six consecutive medals. 

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Read more about Pistol Range Time That Won’t Break the Bank – Winchester’s USA Forged
Winchester Ammunition

It’s all about practice, knowing one’s gun, and coming up with the best ammo combination to ensure confidence when that big buck steps out. For me, repetition is key so when the moment of truth happens, I simply go into autopilot and everything becomes second nature.That’s perfect for hunting, but another time a hunter-shooter wants the repetition to kick in would be in the case when a handgun is needed for personal protection.   

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Read more about Catch Some Great Competitive Shooting This Summer
Winchester Ammunition

Baseball players can lay claim to being the unofficial “boys of summer,” while in August, the eyes of the sporting world will turn much of their attention to the Olympic games in Rio, but for competitive shooters across America, it’s not a bad time to be a competitor either.

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Read more about Hot Fun in the Summertime – Honing Your Shooting Skills
Winchester Ammunition

Let’s face it, summer is a great time for enjoying a little shooting outdoors and it’s particularly a fun time to sharpen your handgun skills. Winchester added several new products to its line of handgun ammunition offerings in 2016 that will help make those outdoor shooting sessions cleaner, easier and perhaps most importantly, more affordable.

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Read more about Winchester Congratulates Team USA and Kim Rhode as They Prepare for The Rio Olympics
Winchester Ammunition

Tillar, Arkansas was the location on May 18-25, when she secured her spot on the 2016 U.S. Olympic Shooting Team. Rhode locked up her spot before even competing in the Friday final—14 points ahead of her closest competitor. It will be Rhode’s sixth consecutive Olympic games, a feat few athletes in the world have ever achieved.

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Read more about USA Shooting Team Update
Winchester Ammunition

Dubbed the “Thriller in Tillar” on the USA Shooting website, the 2016 U.S. Olympic Team Trials begin this week at the Delta Shooting Sports Complex. The four spots remaining to be filled include the top overall finisher in Women’s Skeet, Men’s Skeet, Double Trap and Women’s Trap.

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Read more about Celebrating 150 Years of Winchester: The First 50 Years
Winchester Ammunition

But to truly appreciate just how far Winchester has transformed the American landscape not just for sportsmen, but for all people who enjoy a life of freedom and safety provided by our soldiers deployed around the world and the police officers who work our country’s streets, it’s important to note some of the key dates and developments throughout the company’s earliest days. Here’s a look at what took place the first 50 years.

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Read more about Celebrating 150 Years of Winchester: Riding Shotgun
Winchester Ammunition

The M93 shotgun intro­duced shooters to the concept of the pump-action. It was super­seded by Browning’s M97 pump. This scattergun was so rugged and reliable that America’s dough boys used it as a trench gun in WWI. Police employed it as a riot gun and waterfowlers found it so deadly that it helped end the era of market hunt­ing while later ushering in the three-shell limit for duck and goose hunting in 1935.

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Read more about Celebrating 150 Years of Winchester: Rimfires, Revolvers and Handguns
Winchester Ammunition

From its high-velocity .22 Winchester Rimfire in 1890 through its .22 Winchester Magnum Rimfire of 1959 right up to the world’s fastest rimfire, the 17 Winchester Super Magnum of 2013, the brand has kept its rimfire tradition alive and flourishing like few companies in the modern era (much less the last century and a half).

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Read more about AA TrAAcker and Crow Hunting – A Lethal Combination
Melissa Bachman

They are constantly pushing the envelope and coming up with way to make hunter/shooters more effective in the field.  Think about that for a minute – for 150 years Winchester has been making innovative guns and ammunition for hunters just like me…and just like you.

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Read more about Say It Ain’t So – Scope Brow…And How To Prevent It
Winchester Ammunition

When this lesson is delivered by a recoiling scope hitting your brow, you tend to remember it. But how can you prevent relearning it, again and again?

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Read more about The Need For Speed – The New Winchester M-22 Subsonic
Winchester Ammunition

Think the groundbreaking 17 Winchester Super Magnum, introduced just two years ago, that shattered the speed record with a deadly accurate 3,000 fps muzzle velocity. Centerfire performance at rimfire cost is what the 17 Win Super Mag brought to the table. Winchester continues breaking ground in the rimfire world in 2016 with the introduction of a subsonic .22-caliber LR round.

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Read more about Choosing The Right Caliber For The New Hunter
Melissa Bachman

The reasons are simple. This is usually plenty of gun to ethically take down most North American big game animals, it’s an extremely flat shooting round, and most importantly it has low recoil. In my book these are the most important things to keep in mind when choosing a caliber for a new hunter. Regardless of what caliber you pick, here are some very important tips to remember.

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Read more about USA Forged: First Steel Case Loads From Winchester
Winchester Ammunition

For these high-volume shooters—new and old—as well as competitive shooters who can also burn through ammunition in their pursuit for victory, Winchester introduces USA Forged ammunition, featuring preci­sion-manufactured steel shell­cases. The shellcases culminate a long development process and are proudly manufactured in Winchester’s Oxford, Miss., manufacturing facility.

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Read more about 5 New Year’s Resolutions For The Hunter-Shooter
Winchester Ammunition

And for gun enthusiasts and sportsmen, part of those wishes may well—in fact they should—include the commitment to be become more accomplished shooters in the new year as well. With that, here are five resolutions that if committed to, will make for a great 2023.

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Read more about The Importance Of Range Time
Melissa Bachman

One of the most important things I do is spend a significant amount of time at the rifle range to ensure that I have an overall understanding of my gun and ammo combinations. If you find yourself getting ready for an upcoming hunt and realize you didn’t do the proper preparation, I’ve come up with a few tips and considerations that you can still utilize to help you find success.

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Read more about A New Winchester Rifle – Check It Out
Winchester Ammunition

Coinciding with the introduction of Winchester’s Deer Season XP line of ammunition, Winchester Repeating Arms debuted a new rifle, one that select members of the outdoor media first got to try last season. One of those writers, David Draper, shared his opinion on the new Winchester rifle in this year’s 2015 Winchester Ammunition catalog. Draper writes:

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Read more about Summertime Fun – Tips to Help You Bust More Clays
Winchester Ammunition

For some, it’s part of an effort to tune up for the coming fall upland and waterfowl seasons; for others, it’s the best way they know to make the most of the gorgeous summer weather by busting clays and burning through shotshells. No matter what your motivation, make the most of your time behind the buttstock and master each of the most typical shot presentations you’ll face on the course. Here they are with advice on each.

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Read more about Shooting Sports Snapshot: Who is Today’s Recreational Shooter
Winchester Ammunition

In fact, no matter what the subject, misconceptions often persist as one person says something to a friend, on Facebook or on some message board and it gets repeated and shared enough that it becomes the truth. The more discussed the topic, the more widespread the misconceptions it often seems. Certainly there are many notions that persist when it comes to recreational shooting in America.

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Read more about Videotape Your Training Regimen
Winchester Ammunition

From the rise and popularity of YouTube and the widespread ability to film quality footage from our smartphones to compact video cameras and digital SLRs capable of shooting HD footage, it seems if something happens in society these days, someone else is filming it. And while this is arguably not always a good thing, the improvements in technology have allowed for some great entertainment,

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Read more about Hunting Age Limits- Are They Good or Bad?
Melissa Bachman

I was allowed to go along with my parents, but I couldn’t be the hunter until I had completed my hunter safety course and turned that 12-years old. Recently, more and more states have lowered their age limits and have even implemented a try before you buy type approach with the Families Afield program.The way this works is new hunters are allowed to try hunting before taking their hunter education course as long as they hunt under the supervision of an experienced mentor. 

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Read more about A Must-See In The Summer – NILO Farms
Winchester Ammunition

Named for Mr. Olin (“Nilo” is Olin backwards), Nilo Farms was established in 1952 as one of America’s first game preserves. For decades, it has maintained a commitment to the development and demonstration of hunting preserve and game management techniques. Nilo has contributed a wealth of new information to the hunting and game preserve community.

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Read more about Supporting Our Youth by Melissa Bachman
Melissa Bachman

Every kid, situation, and opportunity may be different but there is one thing that holds true across it all. Have fun and let them experience things for themselves. I just returned from a an incredible show in Oshkosh, WI called the Greater Wisconsin Outdoor & Sportsman Festival where the main focus was bringing families together and providing activities that embrace the outdoor lifestyle.

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Read more about Recreational Shooting Is A Great Way To Unwind
Winchester Ammunition

While writers who cover the outdoors and recreational shooting are often quick to tout the benefits of sharing our hunting and shooting passion with family and friends, it’s important to note, these same pursuits are perfect ways to spend some quality time alone, too.

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Read more about Plink Till You Can Plink No More
Melissa Bachman

This can be a great way to get a new kid involved in shooting, or even spend a day improving your own shooting. Plinking is an inexpensive way to get a ton of shooting in and can be extremely fun. Everyone knows that practice makes perfect, but there are very few of us who want to go out and shoot 2-3 boxes of .300 Win. Mag to try and improve one’s skills. It can be done, but when it comes to repetition I prefer using something like a .22.

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Read more about 5 Keys to Long-Range Accuracy: Shooting Skills, Part II
Winchester Ammunition

Body Alignment—Square the body off behind the rifle so that recoil is traveling straight down your body. Angling your body to the side prevents your body from acting as a dampener to the shockwaves from the shot and may even jerk your body to the side causing misalignment on follow up shots.

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Read more about 5 Keys to Long-Range Accuracy: Your Equipment
Winchester Ammunition

It’s a great skill to master and a lot of fun to do whether competing or simply plinking targets. Whether you’re a novice or practiced at “going long,” the following tips on long-range as they relate to the shooter’s equipment (rifle, sighting system, ammunition) will help you keep on target no matter how far you wish to test your rifle and load.

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Read more about Mix It Up 3-Gun, Cowboy Action This Summer
Winchester Ammunition

Indeed, many range and shooting facility owners have busy schedules during the summer months, filled with classes, fun events and competitions. Shooting competitions are a great way to improve your shooting skills, ramp up the fun and meet like-minded firearms enthusiasts like yourself.

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Read more about Summer Trap Leagues – Good, Clean Fun
Melissa Bachman

The number of leagues in my area of Minnesota alone has grown a ton in recent years and for good reason! They’re a lot of fun, great practice, and an excellent way to meet fellow shooters in your area. Trap leagues are easy to join, you simply need to find one in your area. In my opinion, there are two easy ways to find a league close to your home.

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Read more about Go Shoot! It’s Easy To Find A Place To Shoot
Winchester Ammunition

But with so many resources available, shooting clubs welcoming members, public ranges opening up and available classes and events, finding a good place to shoot is easier than ever.

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Read more about Winchester Celebrates (with you) The 50th Anniversary of the AA
Winchester Ammunition

This year marks a huge milestone for one of Winchester’s most celebrated lines of ammunition—AA shotshells. Odds are, if you’ve ever done any kind of clays or shotgun target shooting, whether it be sporting clays, skeet, five-stand or just tossing clays out on your own with some friends, you’ve probably shot AA shells. Certainly among the best performing and most celebrated target loads, it’s no wonder AAs have been around for so long.

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Read more about Winchester Has Your Self-Defense Needs Covered
Winchester Ammunition

In fact, Winchester’s Defender line of ammunition has at least one offering for every handgun caliber, rifle, rimfire cartridge and shotshell typically employed in the defense of home and person. Additionally, there are truly unique loads that exhibit true “thinking outside of the box” to improve terminal performance, all in an effort to stop an assailant.

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Read more about 11 Great Ways To Spend The Off Season
Melissa Bachman

The good news is there are a ton of other activities we can do outside to keep us busy and occupied until the next hunting season rolls into place. I’ve come up with a list of what I believe are the 11 best ways to spend your off-season outdoors.

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Read more about Project Childsafe
Winchester Ammunition

Recreational shooting is great fun. But gun ownership also carries with it many responsibilities, key among them, keeping people safe when around firearms and keeping guns out of the wrong hands—particularly out of the hands of young children.

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Read more about 5 Innovations That Have Changed How We Shoot
Winchester Ammunition

But it isn’t a company satisfied to sit on the strength of past successes, and in fact, continues to redefine how we as hunters and shooters continue to excel behind the gun. As evidenced by their 2015 product line-up on display at the recent Shooting, Hunting and Outdoor Trade Show in Las Vegas (SHOT), many of Winchester’s biggest game changers have come in just the past few years.

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Read more about Winchester New Products for 2015
Winchester Ammunition

Deer Season XP

As the biggest announcement in 2015, Winchester has created a load specifically for deer hunters. The new Winchester Deer Season XP is engineered for one purpose—dropping deer in their tracks. With its radical new Extreme Point polymer tip bullet, Winchester Deer Season XP combines a massive impact diameter for immediate and violent expansion with an elevated ballistic coefficient for flatter trajectory and long-range accuracy.

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Read more about Try Winchester’s Ballistics Calculator
Winchester Ammunition

Until recently, the best—and almost only way—to easily do that was to actually buy several boxes of a particular ammunition and put it through the barrel to see how it performs. That or refer to manuals that might provide some insight, most of buried among pages of data not essential to the shooter’s interest.

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Read more about So Long, Boy's Club: The Shift in Shooting Sports

Shooting sports has a robust history in America. In its early days, the pastime was primarily dominated by men. Society generally considered it “unladylike” for women to use a firearm. Shooting was a man’s job.



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Read more about 10 Ways to Celebrate NSSF National Shooting Sports Month
Winchester Ammunition
If you are looking for ways to get the most out of the upcoming weeks, here are a few ideas to set your sights on.
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